
Cynical Orange 7 - 9780759531246

Un libro in lingua di Ji Yoon un edito da Yen Pr, 2009

  • € 10.20
  • Il prezzo è variabile in funzione del cambio della valuta d’origine

Bora's still smarting from Ma-Ha's dismissal, and as Hye-Min's happiness grows, she lashes out. But she's not upset about losing Ma-Ha, nor is she on edge about Hye-Min's developing friendship with Jung-Yun - Hye-Min herself is the target of Bora's deep hatred. Hye-Min's never been popular with her peers, but to hear such a bold declaration troubles her deeply. When she turns to Ma-Ha for comfort, Shin-Bi senses her need for his brotherly support is ebbing. With Hye-Min away, he distances himself even more from So-Ryu, who's desperate to hang on to him no matter what.

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