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    7. The case book of Sherlock Holmes. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9786050373592

The case book of Sherlock Holmes. E-book. Formato EPUB - 9786050373592

Un ebook di  Arthur Conan Doyle  edito da Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 2015

The first British edition and the first American edition of the collection were both published in June 1927. However, they had slightly different titles. The title of the British collection was The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (hyphenated "Case-Book"), whereas title of the American was The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes ("Case Book" as two words). Further confusing the issue of the title, some later publishers published the collection under the title The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes ("Casebook" as a single word).

Informazioni bibliografiche

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