
Mansfield Park. E-book. Formato Mobipocket - 9786050336436

Un ebook di  Austen Jane  edito da Jane Austen, 2014

Mansfield Park shows the dark side of Jane Austen.

Mansfield Park is built on the proceeds of the slave trade in the British home. Every literate person at the time of Austen knew the name of the most famous Lord Chief Justice of England, Lord Mansfield, and his contribution to the abolition of the slave trade. Its historic decision in Somerset infamous signaled in English soil, at least, no man was a slave. He was also well known in polite society that Lord Mansfield had adopted a mixed-niece, Dido Belle.

Mansfield was dedicated to Dido, left a substantial legacy and confirmed its freedom in his will. She was beautiful, well-educated and accomplished, brought the Kenwood House in Hampstead next to her cousin, Elizabeth Murray, who knew to Austen and her family.

Austen met Elizabeth Murray pretty quiet and dull, but she was very interested in the history of black stepdaughter Lord Mansfield. A young girl is taken in by wealthy relations in a large country house.

Its status is ambiguous : it is a servant or a woman? How should it be raised? It is the story of Dido Belle a flickering shadow in the background of Mansfield Park Fanny Price, who goes from being the humblest member of the family to be the most loved?

Informazioni bibliografiche

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