
Epigenetics book. The most comprehensive exploration of the practical, social and ethical impact of DNA on our society and our world - 9791220350952

di Roy Carroll edito da Youcanprint, 2022

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro

  • Titolo del Libro: Epigenetics book. The most comprehensive exploration of the practical, social and ethical impact of DNA on our society and our world
  • AutoreRoy Carroll
  • Editore: Youcanprint
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 2022
  • ArgomentoGenetica
  • Pagine: 168
  • ISBN-13:  9791220350952


Epigenetics book. The most comprehensive exploration of the practical, social and ethical impact of DNA on our society and our world: Epigenetics book. The most comprehensive exploration of the practical, social and ethical impact of DNA on our society and our world

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