
The builders. A story and study of masonry - 9788898635689

di Fort Newton Joseph Bizzi N. (cur.) edito da Aurora Boreale, 2019

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The builders. A story and study of masonry: Written and published for the first time in 1914, this book is internationally considered a classic of Masonic literature and one of the most readable introductions to Masonic history and philosophy. A book that everyone, not just Freemasons but also those who are not, should read. Joseph Fort Newton explains brilliantly and clearly the allegorical nature of what it means to be a Freemason and claims that the world has benefited greatly because of the Masonic ideals of liberty, fraternity and equality. The Builders tells the Masonic side of this story. The intent of these pages is, rather, to emphasize the spiritual view of life and the world as the philosophy underlying Masonry, and upon which it builds the reality of the ideal, its sovereignty over our fragile human life, and the immutable necessity of loyalty to it, if we are to build for eternity. After all, as Plotinus said, philosophy serves to point the way and guide the traveller; the vision is for him who will see it. But the direction means much to those who are seeking the truth to know it. A new elegant and illustrated edition, with an introductory essay by Nicola Bizzi, one of the most qualified Italian historians.
Written and published for the first time in 1914, this book is internationally considered a classic of Masonic literature and one of the most readable introductions to Masonic history and philosophy. A book that everyone, not just Freemasons but also those who are not, should read. Joseph Fort Newton explains brilliantly and clearly the allegorical nature of what it means to be a Freemason and claims that the world has benefited greatly because of the Masonic ideals of liberty, fraternity and equality. The Builders tells the Masonic side of this story. The intent of these pages is, rather, to emphasize the spiritual view of life and the world as the philosophy underlying Masonry, and upon which it builds the reality of the ideal, its sovereignty over our fragile human life, and the immutable necessity of loyalty to it, if we are to build for eternity. After all, as Plotinus said, philosophy serves to point the way and guide the traveller; the vision is for him who will see it. But the direction means much to those who are seeking the truth to know it. A new elegant and illustrated edition, with an introductory essay by Nicola Bizzi, one of the most qualified Italian historians.

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