
Emerging therapies: ozone. What the patient should know and how the doctor must act. Ediz. italiana e inglese - 9788854846722

di Martínez Sanchez Gregorio Lamberto Re edito da Aracne, 2012

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Emerging therapies: ozone. What the patient should know and how the doctor must act. Ediz. italiana e inglese: Emerging therapies: ozone. What the patient should know and how the doctor must act. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Emerging therapies: ozone. What the patient should know and how the doctor must act. Ediz. Italian and English

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Terapias emergentes: ozono. Qué debe saber el paciente y cómo el médico debe actuar?
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 Recensioni Scrivi la tua recensione del libro "Emerging therapies: ozone. What the patient should know and how the doctor must act. Ediz. italiana e inglese"