
Architettura & information tecnology - 9788896589052

di Saggio A. (cur.) edito da Mancosu Editore, 2011

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Informazioni bibliografiche del Libro


Architettura & information tecnology: Il volume indaga sui rapporti di sovrapposizione del settore dell'architettura con quello della tecnologia informatica. Presenta progetti ed esperienze redatte in un arco temporale molto ravvicinato, ma non solo nel campo dell'architettura, ma anche nel campo del design e dell'arte.
The book "Architecture and Information Technology", edited by Antonino Saggio, broadens and deepens the theme of the relationship between computer science and contemporary architecture. The investigation moves from the epochal change in place operated by the computer revolution, which corresponds, in architecture, a revolutionary new paradigm. Architectural research and practice use, moreover, tools and models created through the power of prediction of computers. The book focuses on the one hand, on subjects of particular relevance theory (as the plot, the script and new ecologies) and, of the other part, on the architectural production of the past five years. Projects and experiences presented embrace not only the architecture, but also the design and art, because there is no longer a significant difference between what is and what isn't architecture. More and more architects are called to connect resources and ideas of transformation in fields not traditionally practiced. The work is thus critically oriented and thorough, vade mecum, theoretically of about thirty cutting-edge experiences.

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