
Jorg Madinger eBooks

eBooks di Jorg Madinger Sport e vita all’aperto

Varied handball shooting drills60 exercises for every handball training unit. E-book. Formato EPUB

Varied handball shooting drills60 exercises for every handball training unit. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jörg Madinger 
edizioni DV Concept collana , 2017

Shooting is a central component of team handball and must be practiced and improved regularly. Therefore, it is reasonable to integrate shooting series into training units from time to time. This collection of exercises contains 60 comprehensible practical drills focusing on this subject. They can be integrated in...

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€ 14.99
Varied handball shooting drills60 exercises for every handball training unit. E-book. Formato PDF

Varied handball shooting drills60 exercises for every handball training unit. E-book. Formato PDF

Jörg Madinger 
edizioni DV Concept collana , 2017

Shooting is a central component of team handball and must be practiced and improved regularly. Therefore, it is reasonable to integrate shooting series into training units from time to time. This collection of exercises contains 60 comprehensible practical drills focusing on this subject. They can be integrated in...

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€ 14.99
Handball Praxis 4 - Intensives Abwehrtraining im HandballHandball Fachliteratur. E-book. Formato PDF

Handball Praxis 4 - Intensives Abwehrtraining im HandballHandball Fachliteratur. E-book. Formato PDF

Jörg Madinger 
edizioni DV Concept collana , 2013

Der Angriff schießt die Tore, die Abwehr gewinnt das Spiel.Im folgenden Band finden Sie fünf methodisch ausgearbeitete Trainingseinheiten zum Thema Abwehr im Handballspiel. Die individuelle Ausbildung der einzelnen Spieler, sowie das Zusammenspiel in der Mannschaft ist ein wichtiger Baustein für den Erfolg und muss...

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