
Toma Jablonsky eBooks

eBooks di Toma Jablonsky editi da Educatt Universita Cattolica con argomento Educazione

Theory of the religious and art education in contemporary researchStudies of the doctoral students from the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Theory of the religious and art education in contemporary researchStudies of the doctoral students from the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Tomáš Jablonský 
edizioni EDUCatt Università Cattolica collana , 2014

Man is created by God, as the unity of matter and of the Spirit. These two facts cannot be separated from each other, in order that they will not disrupt the integrity wanted by God. Man needs to nurture and express his spiritual dimension and that happens mainly through science and art. It is not just about the cultivation...

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Theory of the Religious and Art Education in Contemporary ResearchStudies of the doctoral students from the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. E-book. Formato PDF

Theory of the Religious and Art Education in Contemporary ResearchStudies of the doctoral students from the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. E-book. Formato PDF

Tomáš Jablonský 
edizioni EDUCatt Università Cattolica collana , 2014

«L’uomo è creato da Dio, come unità tra materia e spirito»: per questo conoscenza e arte non possono prescindere da una dimensione di trascendenza. Tuttavia, in una società dai contorni sempre più tecnologici l’educazione abbandona pian piano i connotati di conoscenza...

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