
Jack London eBooks

eBooks di Jack London editi da Qasim Idrees di Formato Epub

Jack London nasce nel 1878 a San Francisco, in California. Figlio illegittimo, viene ben presto abbandonato dai genitori. A dieci anni si trasferisce a Oakland dove inizia a lavorare nel porto, svolgendo i mestieri più umili. Viene arrestato per vagabondaggio e chiuso in un carcere giovanile dove inizia a leggere avidamente tutto ciò che trova, formandosi così da autodidatta. Grazie alle avventure di Zanna Bianca (1906), l'autore diventa celebre in tutto il mondo, viene chiamato a Londra per lavorare come giornalista e inviato in varie parti del mondo come corrispondente di guerra. Tra le sue opere più note ricordiamo: Il richiamo della foresta, Il tallone di ferro, Martin Eden. Morì suicida a Glen Ellen, in California, nel 1916.

The Sea Wolf. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Sea Wolf. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jack London 
edizioni Qasim Idrees collana , 2018

Jack London's novel The Sea Wolf became an instant bestseller on its release in 1904. Ambrose Bierce wrote "The great thing - and it is among the greatest of things - is that tremendous creation, Wolf Larsen...the hewing out and setting up of such a figure is black for a man to do in one lifetime." The Sea Wolf tells...

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White Fang. E-book. Formato EPUB

White Fang. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jack London 
edizioni Qasim Idrees collana , 2018

Jack London's White Fang is the story of a wolf-dog's journey from wildness into becoming civilized by humanity. Set in Canada's Yukon, a lot of the novel is told from an animal point of view, exploring how animals might see us, and see the world around them. White Fang's mirror novel is The Call of the Wild, London's...

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The Call of the Wild. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Call of the Wild. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jack London 
edizioni Qasim Idrees collana , 2018

The Call of the Wild is Jack London's most popular book and is considered by many to be his best. Telling the story of Buck, a domesticated dog whose wild instincts begin to kick-in while serving as a sled dog in the treacherous Yukon. The novel's tone is often dark, and despite being considered juvenile literature...

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Martin Eden. E-book. Formato EPUB

Martin Eden. E-book. Formato EPUB

Jack London 
edizioni Qasim Idrees collana , 2018

Jack London's Martin Eden was first published in 1909 and is the story of a young writer's quest for celebrity and love. Much loved by writers who identify with Martin's belief that when he posted a manuscript, 'there was no human editor at the other end, but a mere cunning arrangement of cogs that changed the manuscript...

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