
Rafael Sabatini eBooks

eBooks di Rafael Sabatini editi da Ozymandias Press di Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini (29 aprile 1875 – 13 febbraio 1950) nacque a Jesi, in Italia, da madre inglese (Anna Trafford) e padre italiano. I suoi genitori erano cantanti d'opera e insegnanti. Il suo unico figlio, Rafael-Angelo (soprannominato Binkie), morì in un incidente automobilistico il 1 aprile 1927. Nel 1931, lui e sua moglie Ruth divorziarono. Nello stesso anno si trasferì da Londra a Hay-on-Wye. Nel 1935 sposò la scultrice Christine Goad, sua ex cognata. La sua vita fu nuovamente contrassegnata dalla tragedia quando il figlio di Christine, Lancelot, venne a mancare in un drammatico incidente di volo. Sabatini impiegò circa un quarto di secolo di duro lavoro prima di raggiungere il successo nel 1921con “Scaramouche”. Il romanzo, ambientato durante la Rivoluzione francese, divenne un bestseller internazionale. Fu seguito dall'altrettanto riuscito Captain Blood (1922). Negli anni '40, la malattia costrinse lo scrittore a rallentare la sua prolifica attività letteraria. Morì il 13 febbraio 1950 in Svizzera, dove è sepolto.

Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini 
edizioni Ozymandias Press collana , 2018

In an endeavour to trace the Inquisition to its source it is not necessary to go as far back into antiquity as went Paramo; nor yet is it possible to agree with him that God Himself was the first inquisitor, that the first "Act of Faith" was executed upon Adam and Eve, and that their expulsion from Eden is a proper...

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The Sea Hawk. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Sea Hawk. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini 
edizioni Ozymandias Press collana , 2018

Oliver Tressilian, a Cornish gentleman who helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada, is betrayed by his ruthless half-brother and seeks refuge in the Middle East, where he takes on a new role as a Barbary pirate.

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The Gates of Doom. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Gates of Doom. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini 
edizioni Ozymandias Press collana , 2016

‘Depend above all on Pauncefort’, announced King James, ‘his loyalty is dependable as steel. He is with us body and soul and to the last penny of his fortune.’ So when Pauncefort does indeed face bankruptcy after the collapse of the South Sea Company, the king’s supreme confidence now seems rather foolish. And as Pauncefort’s...

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The Banner of the Bull. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Banner of the Bull. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini 
edizioni Ozymandias Press collana , 2016

With all the pomp and ceremony of medieval Italy as a colourful backdrop, Sabatini masterfully recreates the political intrigue and misguided loyalties that reigned as the ‘Banner of the Bull’ waved victoriously over the land. Weaving deft descriptions and spirited characterisations into historical events, this is...

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The Word of Borgia. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Word of Borgia. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Rafael Sabatini 
edizioni Ozymandias Press collana , 2016

MISTRUSTING the object of this gathering to which so secretly he had been bidden, Messer Graziani ambushed a half-score of his men about the street below, with orders to force their way into the house should he smash one of the windows as a signal. Therefore it was with a mind comparatively at ease that he entered...

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