
Daniel Defoe eBooks

eBooks di Daniel Defoe editi da Classic Crime

Nato a Stoke Newington (Londra) nel 1660 e morto a Moorfields nell'aprile del 1731, dedicò gran parte della vita agli affari e solo per ripagare i debiti accumulati, cominciò in età matura l’attività di scrittore. Esordì come saggista di economia, dimostrandosi in anticipo sui tempi nel sostenere la necessità di creare organismi, quali una banca centrale e un sistema pensionistico, oggi cruciali nel funzionamento dello Stato.


Rinchiuso in carcere con l’accusa di aver diffamato in un saggio la Chiesa d’Inghilterra (La via più breve per i dissenzienti), nel 1719 pubblicò il suo capolavoro, Robinson Crusoe, ispirato alla reale vicenda di un marinaio naufragato su un’isola al largo del Cile. Accolto da un ottimo riscontro di pubblico, il libro è considerato, insieme al Don Chisciotte, una delle prime forme di romanzo moderno, ed è talmente diffuso nel mondo, da vantare il maggior numero di edizioni dopo la Bibbia.


Autore di un secondo romanzo Fortune e sfortune della famosa Moll Flanders (fonte d’ispirazione per numerosi film), Defoe fu apprezzato anche come giornalista e fondatore della rivista The Review, considerata una pietra miliare nella storia del giornalismo.

The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Account Of His Many Robberies And Escapes: CONTAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF HIS MANY ROBBERIES AND ESCAPES. E-book. Formato EPUB

The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Account Of His Many Robberies And Escapes: CONTAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF HIS MANY ROBBERIES AND ESCAPES. E-book. Formato EPUB

Daniel Defoe 
edizioni Classic Crime collana , 2018

A particular Account of his rescuing his pretended Wife from St. Giles's Round House. Of the wonderful Escape himself made from the said Round-House. Of the miraculous Escape he and his said pretended Wife made together from New-Prison, on the 25th of May last. Of his surprizing Escape from the Condemn'd Hold of Newgate...

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The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Account Of His Many Robberies And Escapes: CONTAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF HIS MANY ROBBERIES AND ESCAPES. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Account Of His Many Robberies And Escapes: CONTAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF HIS MANY ROBBERIES AND ESCAPES. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Daniel Defoe 
edizioni Classic Crime collana , 2018

A particular Account of his rescuing his pretended Wife from St. Giles's Round House. Of the wonderful Escape himself made from the said Round-House. Of the miraculous Escape he and his said pretended Wife made together from New-Prison, on the 25th of May last. Of his surprizing Escape from the Condemn'd Hold of Newgate...

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The Life, Adventures & Piracies Of The Famous Captain Singleton. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Life, Adventures & Piracies Of The Famous Captain Singleton. E-book. Formato EPUB

Daniel Defoe 
edizioni Classic Crime collana , 2018

The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton (1720) is a novel by Daniel Defoe. It is believed to have been partly inspired by the exploits of English pirate Henry Every. The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually...

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The Life, Adventures & Piracies Of The Famous Captain Singleton. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Life, Adventures & Piracies Of The Famous Captain Singleton. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Daniel Defoe 
edizioni Classic Crime collana , 2018

The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton (1720) is a novel by Daniel Defoe. It is believed to have been partly inspired by the exploits of English pirate Henry Every. The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually...

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