
Frances Hodgson Burnett eBooks

eBooks di Frances Hodgson Burnett editi da Abela Publishing

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924), autrice di famosissimi romanzi per ragazzi come "Il piccolo lord Fauntleroy", "Il giardino segreto" e "La piccola principessa", continuamente ristampati e sempre in commercio, scrisse anche romanzi per adulti. Nel 2010 astoria ha pubblicato "Un matrimonio inglese", nel 2016 "L’imprevedibile destino di Emily Fox-Seton" e nel 2017 "La vita inusuale di T. Tembarom", accolti con favore dalla critica e dal pubblico. Donna dalla vita complicata – un matrimonio fallito, diversi rovesci di fortuna –cominciò a scrivere per aiutare finanziariamente la famiglia: trasferitasi con la madre e i fratelli negli Stati Uniti, ottenne uno straordinario successo con "Il piccolo lord Fauntleroy", che le concesse una certa agiatezza economica. Trascorse la sua vita tra Inghilterra e America e fu in parte per questa “doppia esistenza” che riuscì a vedere con maggiore chiarezza di altri suoi contemporanei l’aspetto oscuro della condizione femminile e l’eterno problema inglese legato alle classi sociali.

The COZY LION, or, How to make friends with a LIon. E-book. Formato PDF

The COZY LION, or, How to make friends with a LIon. E-book. Formato PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett 
edizioni Abela Publishing collana , 2021

Of course it was all the Lion's fault that I had to scold him. Fairies have the power to do this, you know. Lions ought to live far away from people. Nobody likes Lions roaming around—particularly where there are children about. But this Lion said he wanted to become a part of Society, and that he was very fond of...

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BARTY CRUSOE AND HIS MAN SATURDAY- A Boy's adventure on a desert island. E-book. Formato PDF

BARTY CRUSOE AND HIS MAN SATURDAY- A Boy's adventure on a desert island. E-book. Formato PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett 
edizioni Abela Publishing collana , 2021

Barty Crusoe And His Man Friday is the story of a young boy named Barty for short, or  Bartholomew Herbert Hubert Ellecompane, who after reading Robinson Crusoe, decides he wants to experience life on a desert island. He has a magical friend, the Good Wolf, who's able to make that happen for him. What kind of adventures...

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A LITTLE PRINCESS - The book the film was based upon. E-book. Formato PDF

A LITTLE PRINCESS - The book the film was based upon. E-book. Formato PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett 
edizioni Abela Publishing collana , 2021

This is the story of “Sara Crewe”. But, stories are something like letters and a great deal more had happened at Miss Minchin’s than anyone actually realised. In this story there was a little girl whose name was Lottie, who was an amusing little person; there was a hungry scullery-maid who was Sara’s adoring friend;...

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THE GOOD WOLF - the story of a Magical Wolf and a young Boy. E-book. Formato PDF

THE GOOD WOLF - the story of a Magical Wolf and a young Boy. E-book. Formato PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett 
edizioni Abela Publishing collana , 2021

After it’s initial publication in 1908, THE GOOD WOLF was reprinted on no less than four occasions up to 1914. Description: Once there was a little boy and his name was Bartholomew Herbert Hubert Ellecompane but of course he was not called all that at once. When people wanted him they only called “Barty” and with...

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THE SECRET GARDEN - A story of adventure, discovery and redemption. E-book. Formato PDF

THE SECRET GARDEN - A story of adventure, discovery and redemption. E-book. Formato PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett 
edizioni Abela Publishing collana , 2021

At the turn of the 20th C., Mary Lennox is a neglected and unloved 10-year-old. Born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her and ignored her, she is cared for by native servants. She becomes spoiled and demanding. A Cholera epidemic kills Mary's parents, the surviving servants flee the house leaving...

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