
Mohamed Taan eBooks

eBooks di Mohamed Taan

Le Sayyed de Bagdad. E-book. Formato PDF

Le Sayyed de Bagdad. E-book. Formato PDF

Mohamed Taan 
edizioni Mohamed Taan collana , 2016

Dans le chaos d'un Irak en guerre où les troupes américaines après leur " victoire ", cherchent l'ennemi, le destin de trois personnages va s'entrelacer pour le pire et le meilleur. Il y a le vénérable chef chiite, Le Sayed, sa belle-fille, Amina, et enfin ce soldat américain, Jimmy, engagé volontaire dans ce conflit...

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The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato EPUB

The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato EPUB

Mohamed Taan 
edizioni Mohamed Taan collana , 2015

War-torn Iraq is in chaos. While the victorious US troops search for the enemy, the fate of three characters intertwine for the better and for the worst. The Sayyid, a Shiite leader, his daughter Amina and finally an American soldier Jimmy, who volunteered for the conflict, believing he was fighting for a good cause....

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The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato Mobipocket

Mohamed Taan 
edizioni Mohamed Taan collana , 2015

War-torn Iraq is in chaos. While the victorious US troops search for the enemy, the fate of three characters intertwine for the better and for the worst. The Sayyid, a Shiite leader, his daughter Amina and finally an American soldier Jimmy, who volunteered for the conflict, believing he was fighting for a good cause....

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The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato PDF

The Sayyid of Bagdad. E-book. Formato PDF

Mohamed Taan 
edizioni Mohamed Taan collana , 2015

War-torn Iraq is in chaos. While the victorious US troops search for the enemy, the fate of three characters intertwine for the better and for the worst. The Sayyid, a Shiite leader, his daughter Amina and finally an American soldier Jimmy, who volunteered for the conflict, believing he was fighting for a good cause....

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