
Arti Decorative eBooks

eBooks Arti decorative

Decorative Art. E-book. Formato EPUB

Decorative Art. E-book. Formato EPUB

Albert Jaquemart 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2015

From the Middle Ages to contemporary times, decorative art can be defi ned by the artistic materials, designs and objects used in both architecture and interior design. Similar to many art forms decorative art continues to evolve, originating with pieces as simple as a chair, noted for its utility, to purely ornamental...

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Decorative Art. E-book. Formato PDF

Decorative Art. E-book. Formato PDF

Albert Jaquemart 
edizioni Parkstone International collana , 2012

From the Middle Ages to contemporary times, decorative art can be defi ned by the artistic materials, designs and objects used in both architecture and interior design. Similar to many art forms decorative art continues to evolve, originating with pieces as simple as a chair, noted for its utility, to purely ornamental...

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€ 11.94
Lake time. E-book. Formato EPUB

Lake time. E-book. Formato EPUB

Daverio Philippe 
edizioni Interlinea collana Nativitas , 2019

«Il lago d’Orta, dove sorge l’isola di San Giulio, è un lago che fa di testa sua. Un originale che, invece di mandare le acque a sud, le manda a nord, come se le volesse regalare al monte Rosa» ha scritto Gianni Rodari. È un lago dallo spirito ribelle, diverso da tutti gli altri. Lo si scopre quasi di sorpresa, chiuso...

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