
Aurora Boreale eBooks

eBooks editi da Aurora Boreale di Formato Epub

La questione cecena: Cenni storici e cause della crisi. E-book. Formato EPUB

La questione cecena: Cenni storici e cause della crisi. E-book. Formato EPUB

Daniele Zumbo 
edizioni Aurora Boreale collana , 2016

Un saggio storico interamente dedicato alla storia della Cecenia e al difficile rapporto fra questa regione caucasica e la Russia.

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The historical supremacy of the Eleusinian Mysteries. E-book. Formato EPUB

The historical supremacy of the Eleusinian Mysteries. E-book. Formato EPUB

Bizzi Nicola 
edizioni Aurora Boreale collana , 2022

The long history of the European, Mediterranean, and Near Eastern religious experience, since the most remote ages, has been characterized by the presence and diffusion of mystery religions. These were marked by a common order, a general rule, consisting in the fact that all the beliefs of the cult, the foundational...

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